Monday, March 30, 2009

3 months

Nadia is three months old. Growing so fast... I think she weighs somewhere between 14 and 15 pounds. Some of her latest accomplishments are...
*holding/shaking rattles and links
*rolling over from tummy to back (2 times)
*playing in her pack-n-play contently
*first trip to the zoo
*mastering the bouncy chair
*discovering new (loud) sounds she can make
*eating every 3 to 3 1/2 hours, and still once at night.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

tool time

LJ is fascinated with Handy Manny and has a set of his "tools" that he loves to play with. I was sitting on the sofa reading a magazine and listening (off and on) to him play with his tools, which all have their own name I might add. I look up to see him over by the front door playing with the boxes we have stacked from the UPS deliveries. Usually he is climbing the boxes but today he was using his tools to try to open them. Now, I'm thinking there's no way he'll be able to get the box open... it has (had) three sturdy strips of tape on it. Well I was way wrong. I look up at him about 5 minutes later after hearing something fall on the floor. Oh my goodness how did he accomplish this! I walk over to see loads of paper envelopes scattered on the floor. He says "Mommy, I got Daddy mail!" Yes you did son and now we'll get it back in the box. Guess he's learning some useful things from watching Handy Manny after all.

the mess

the accomplices -Turner and Felipe

the culprit

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"On Top of Spaghetti..."

Spaghetti used to be almost a weekly meal at our house... that was before we ate with an almost 2 year old who is still mastering the art of using utensils and before we lived in this condo with a silly carpeted dining room floor. The builder obviously did not have young families in mind when carpeting nearly the entire floor plan. But we love spaghetti and this is the best way I've found to let LJ enjoy it. I just make sure I don't vacuum the floor that day until after dinner.